Thursday, December 22, 2011

Some Tips for Switching Over to a Cloud Infrastructure

With the growing popularity of cloud infrastructures on the market, more people are looking to explore these revolutionary systems for their company. While these systems had a few errors at first, many of the initial problems faced are no longer a concern, it is important to consider the following tips.

For this process, one needs to understand that in most cases, a cloud service will not be backed up or redundant. Which means backups would have to be handled on the company's end if not by their managed service provider. However, after the Amazon outage that shut down companies for almost 48 hours earlier this year, cloud infrastructures have greatly improved. Resilient architecture has been introduced which ensures there is a reduction in the amount of service interruption users will experience.

For this approach to be effectively handled, the user of the cloud service will need to be sure they are implementing the upgrade services and features that improve the operation of these items. These items will help ensure the infrastructure remains load balanced and that in the event of an outage, a different zone can be accessed temporarily.

There is also the concern of bandwidth issues. To help offset this, some companies are turning to other servers and data centers to help them distribute the information needed and to run applications on their cloud infrastructure. This improves overall performance and ensures their end users are getting a system setup that is going to meet their needs.

Keep in mind that there are private and public clouds as well. What users find is that these private clouds with less bandwidth limitations are going to be a more effective solution for most businesses. Additionally, one will find that the security on the private clouds is expected to greatly increase during the course of 2012.

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